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Buster in Antigua

In 2001, Petra and I were invited to Antigua to Marcus' and Mariles' wedding blessing. In true Marcus style, he called whilst I was packing to ask me to throw in my DJ and be his best man...

The wedding was on our first day on the island. Some photos from the blessing...


Wedding Party M&M Blessed Success!
Happy Couple with Best Man After the garter M&M Cake

We stayed on with Marcus and Mariles for the second half of their honeymoon during sailing week.


Bathing babes Bathing Couple Eraserhead Surkfers Wet wedding
Sunbathers Official Toursit Shot Fly away Fishermen Red stripe promo shot

The last night in town was the admiral's ball, the awards ceremony and closing party for Antigua sailing week. Some parting party shots:


Admiral's party goers 4 up M&M JOhn and Mariles Revlelers

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